Beulah Vista

It took me a while to understand what sort of vista a Beulah vista was. Apparently, it’s a sweet view of Mount Beulah which we caught brief glimpses of on our two day yurt trek.

I haven’t historically been overly excited for these yurt trips, although I always enjoy it when we’re there. Maybe they seem like too much work for the reward. Pulling a heavy sled for miles isn’t the worst thing to do, but it’s borderline. And then once we’re there the skiing is usually marginal, we can never really get a good nordic day in, and there’s a lot of sitting around wondering what to do. At least for me. But Kari really likes it and the kids seem to as well, so we go. I could probably figure out a way to make it more enjoyable for me, but that would take preplanning and execution. Do I really want to add that to my plate when there are already so many other things to do?