Micron+ R1
It might be fun to do a build log on this latest printer. I’ve wanted to build a Micron ever since realizing it might have been the better choice over the V0 I built a while back – Fall of 2023 I think. The V0 is a good little printer but the build volume is small and it’s lacking some of the great features that I’ve come to love on the 2.4.
As luck would have it, the designer of the Micron (hartk) started the R1 version some time last year, so it’s a perfect time to jump on board. This build will not be as easy to follow – R1 is still in development and the best way to keep up is via the Doomcube Discord. There will be no manual to follow, and the best way to understand it all is through viewing the CAD file. If this were my first printer build it might be too much. The experience gained building a V0 and V2.4 will be invaluable. Having spent the last 6 months learning a bit of CAD will also be helpful. So let’s get into it.
The Kit
I’ve been dreaming of this printer for 6 months or more. That time was mostly spent researching and looking towards the future. I put together a spreadsheet of the best kits available, things I wanted and didn’t want, and for a long time was set on getting a ‘higher quality’ kit from Fabreeko. I didn’t want to settle1 again with another Chinese branded ‘cheap’ kit. The most important things were high quality rails, motion components, motors, etc. I honestly don’t know how much better linear rails from Fabreeko or West3D or LDO are, but that’s the word on the street.
But… In the end I chose a Formbot kit for a variety of reasons – the biggest being cost. Formbot simply offers more value for the money. Most of the parts are high quality, it’s fairly complete, and any extras can be purchased. Were purchased… I’ll try to detail the extras and upgrades as I go. As of now I’m happy with my choice, especially since the kit from Fabreeko is still sold out. It seems most of the Discord crew is building off the Formbot kit, there’s a special thread dedicated to the Formbot kit, and I’ve only heard good things. In the end it was the logical choice. Again as of now I’m pretty happy with it.
R1 Changes to the Kit
The kit was put together from the original design and BOM. From what I could tell following along on Discord this isn’t much of an issue – the few changed parts are easily – or sort of easily, sourced. So far I’ve done the best I can in getting some of these – mostly idler pulleys and bearings. Probably a few more things I’m not thinking of. Buying things off Aliexpress is fun, but shipping takes so long I forget what I’ve bought. Anywhoo. There are other ‘upgrades’ that I’m trying to follow along with – like ‘Double Shear Mounts’ and ‘Pinned A/B Drives’ that I’ll be doing. The plan is to take it slow, do it right, have fun. So far so good.
The Unboxing
There ain’t no unboxing video, let alone an unboxing photo. Move along fools.
Name and Color Scheme
The first thing to decide in any build is the color scheme. Or maybe the first thing is the name… Given that the V0.2 is Pippin, the V2.4 is Panda, a name starting with P is appropriate. That my username across multiple channels is @Pariscope, the name for this printer is obvious. Say hello to Pari. Or Peri? Peri.
With the name Peri, color scheme is also obvious. should be based on the color periwinkle. Which isn’t the easiest color to actually nail down. Or find in a decent branded filament. Most descriptions of periwinkle are a light-ish blue leaning towards violet. Here’s the app icon I’ll use for Fluidd2:
That’s a lot of blue there… and I was oh so very close to going with blue accents and black base. Which would be nice for sure, and something to keep in mind for next time. Consultations with the family brought me to a better option. Lean periwinkle a bit farther into the purple range and you get this:
A nice dark purple base and lighter purple highlights. I also picked up an even lighter purple filament if I need to lean even further into the highlights. Might add it to the toolhead…
So that’s the name and the color scheme: Peri; in Periwinkle;
- (in Persian mythology) a mythical superhuman being, originally represented as evil but subsequently as a good or graceful genie or fairy.
Next: Starting the Build
Check out the rest of the series: Micron+ Build