October 2021

Tycho on Shuffle

Here's how to put together the perfect playlist to work to: Add all albums by Tycho to your librarySearch library by artist, find TychoClick shuffle Why is this the perfect playlist? It's like an unguided meditation, but with drive. Perfect.

Lemon Tree

About a year ago I bought a lemon tree from an online retailer - brighter blooms.com - and stuck it in the studio near the window. It seemed to be doing great for quite a while. It would periodically flower and even get tiny little lemons: But...

Got my wrist back

Last June I broke my Apple Watch (series 3) while puttering around the house. That watch was one of my favorite pieces of tech and had been on my wrist for going on 3 years straight. I love the health tracking stuff, and the quick notification views....

Considering the Laptop Life?

My very first Mac was a 17" Powerbook G4, purchased shortly after graduating from design school in 2004. It was a good machine for the time, but I basically only remember two things about it: How excited I was when I first got it, and how badly...

20 Years

Kari and I celebrated 20 years of marriage this weekend, spending a few days bumming around southern Utah in a Teardrop trailer! She's been somewhat excited to give one of these a try, and even though I've been very poot poot about it, I have to say...